

She stood next to him quietly, waiting for him to sit down so she could sit next to him. He turned his back, ignoring her as he started up a conversation about party plans with one of the other guys. Still, she was patient, never drawing attention to herself. Finally, he chose a seat—one that was not next to an empty chair for her. Silently, with no complaints or sighs of exasperation, she pulled another chair over next to his and sat down.

“She’ll make the cake,” he told his buddy without asking her. She didn’t say anything. For the first time, he turned toward her. “Make it on Friday,” he said. “With chocolate icing.” She nodded meekly and began a smile, but he turned away again before he could see it. As soon as he turned, her face became expressionless again.

When the rest of the group had gathered and it was time for introductions, he announced his name. Then, as an afterthought, he jerked his thumb over his shoulder at her and muttered, “I’m engaged to that one.” She didn’t let her pain show.

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