
Part 1: Delving Into The Outward Normalcy

It is difficult having two voices in your head constantly.

Yes, that’s what I live with.

Because announcing your name on the internet is not exactly the wisest thing to do, just call me A. for now.

Let’s say ‘A’ represents my normal self…well, normal doesn’t technically exist, but let’s say it does anyway.

‘A’ is my outer personality. The one that is usually exposed to other people throughout the day, the one that makes people say: “What a charming girl.”

Yes, surely, on the surface.

Beneath that, though, is the mind of NightMaiden.

Someone might tell me: “Isn’t that landscape photo just beautiful?”

“Sure,” I’ll answer, and then I’ll comment on why I like it.

But on the inside, NightMaiden is chattering away.

She’s saying things like: “And the water’s surface was a smooth as newly-melted quicksilver, catching the luminescent gleam of the pearly moon.”

And she can’t be contained, either. I’m constantly writing…is that a bad thing?

Well, I should like to think not.

At least…I hope it isn’t.

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