
Part 2: A Seemingly Normal Student...

It’s difficult enough when you’re trying to describe what happened to copper sulfate when you poured sulphuric acid into it over a raging Bunsen burner – you don’t need to have an idea for a series in the back of your head…

‘A’ tries doing “normal” things. Namely, going to bed before midnight.

She hardly accomplishes that, what with NightMaiden keeping her up and typing well into 11 PM.

‘A’ always tries to be alert. She’s quick to respond and loves making witty comebacks (something she shares in traits with NightMaiden), but unfortunately, the most intelligent remark she makes (when she’s at the computer) is “hm”.

NightMaiden is pleased – because she’s typing away – but ‘A’ isn’t.

‘A’ wants to have the sense to say “no” to a question like: “Do you want me to throw you out the window for your lack of attention?”

But…heartrendingly so, she doesn’t.

When she’s at the computer, anyway.

‘A’ wants to comply when her parents tell her to get her butt in bed.

NightMaiden doesn’t.

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