
Arsonist is Consumed

I was going to say ‘kill us’ and I really meant it. The job he sent us to do was half done! But something amazing happened that shut me up.

I don’t know how she did it, in fact I think it may have been fate, but at that moment there was a huge BOOM
and the whole warehouse exploded!

Wendy laughed loud and maniacally in my ear.
“Isn’t it beautiful?!” She shouted over the roar.

“Wow.” Was all I could say. The flames reached higher in the sky than I’ve ever seen. As we sat peering out behind the dumpster, I was completely in awe of the power and might of the fire.

More explosions rang out, smaller and less magnificent, but each one added to the glory of the blaze.

The fire was a symphony. From the bass explosions to the ping of breaking glass, the cacophony was music to my ears. I could have conducted the sweet melody and harmony, yet I remained frozen in place.

Wendy hugged my neck. She planted a huge kiss on my cheek. “We did it!”

I turned to her in awe. She shared this with me.
I kissed her back.

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