
Residing Dreams (Chapter 209)

Now, I could hear what Casimir was saying. “I want to see Essie, I want to see Essie now. Being alone and lonely isn’t going to help anything for me. So let Essie come in. I wish to see her.” The doctor went to Casimir and mumbled something to him about how he was a sickly boy and how he wasn’t in any condition to be disturbed. But Casimir retorted that what was truly disturbing was to spend so much time in a stuffy room with lots of medicine and tiresome medical procedures and doctors. Casimir ultimately won the discussion, as he did numerous times with the staff members. Against the strength of persistance, as well as sometimes without it, they tended to give in rather easily. So the doctor turned back to me and took a deep breath. “Since you are apparently wanted here, you may visit. But don’t upset anything,” he said. When I walked over to Casimir, I saw his whole face light up. In that moment, I felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world.

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