
Residing Dreams (Chapter 210)

But then I noticed how under the weather Casimir looked.But it was more than that. He looked like someone who was slowely recovering from surgery, or a person who was terminally and seriously ill.What awed me the most was that on some days,he almost seemed normal. We could go on walks, go to the movies, go to the library,and play games.Of course, we never ventured away from his estate when we hung out together, but that didn’t seem to matter after a while.Now,Casimir not only had two IVs attached to his arms, but he also had a little tube coming out of his tummy.I wanted to scream to the staff, as well as his father, “Why didn’t you help him right away when he needed it?Why not sooner?Are you all really so stupid, ignorant, and oblivious that you didn’t know and didn’t care and couldn’t feel the pain? Damn all of you for failing to do anything helpful for this broken boy! I never knew the world was full of so many disgraceful people! No wonder life can be so dark and gloomy! It’s because love is obsolete!”

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