
Don't Call It A Comeback (Or Do!) (Challenge)

Hey, everyone!

Since I have lost access to my former account (Capital W Writer), I had to break down and create an AIM account so I could get in my Ficlets fix (Fixlets?). And so, I have risen from the ashes as Textual Phoenix. 292 ficlets under my old account, and here I am, back at square one again. Oh, well. :-)

So, as I am making my triumphant (?) return to the land of Ficlets, I decided to throw out a simple challenge. Really simple. Just write a story about some making a comeback of some sort. For example:

- a retired boxer returns to the ring for one last spectacular bout

- a marathon runner, confined to a wheelchair for almost a year, pushes himself to prepare for the Boston Marathon

- an award-winning novelist who dropped from public view for 20 years puts the finishing touched on his newest work

Have fun with it, folks! Enjoy yourselves!

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