
Phelps: First Spill

Mr. Phelps stood in a large field. All around him were slain enemies. Kool-Aid packets of all colors littered the ground. He had tried to lure out Kool-Aid himself by advertising a free sugar blow-out. Kool-Aid and his gang are all major sugar addicts.

The battle was fierce. Phelps and his army of mutant swimmer zombies was greatly outnumbered. But what they lacked in number, they made up for in Mr. Phelps’s good looks.

All kool-aid disciples were entranced with his good looks, and his zombies destroyed them, drinking their delicious innards.

Mr. Phelps had to plan the next stage of his attack. He knew his numbers were beginning to thin. He had many of his forces spread out, acomplishing various tasks for him. He had not know that J. Umpin Frog, naked cowboy of the lower east side and known bounty hunter of Kool-Aid Man, had brainwashed a regiment of accomplished zombies, and now with the help of Susan and Daniel were bearing down on their location.

Tune in next time for Part 2.

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