
Phelps: First Spill (Part 2)

Mr. Phelps was confident. He stood on the moistened field of dead kool-aid soldiers. His zombies had destroyed the opposition. All was well.

Until a large group of his own zombies began to ambush him.

All around he saw zombies fighting zombies. And the frog. That god-damned J. Umpin Frog. Still as naked as he was the day he stole his clothes from him. This was no longer just about kool-aid revenge. It had evolved into naked cowboy frog revenge.

Just as he was about to rush the unsuspecting frog, a naked man jumped in front of him. He was angry from all the nudity, and was about to kill the man when he felt hot. Really hot.

He was on fire. He looked and saw Susan, the fire wielding elf. Also naked. He didn’t mind her nakedness as much. The silly naked man ran back to her and they started to make out.

Mr. Phelps, realizing he was outmatched, called forth his swiming skills, and swam through the moisture in the ground for home.

Part 3 coming soon. Wait and see!

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