Story of the Traveling Mind
I do not really want to do homework. The pile of it is sitting right beside the huge Algebra textbook on the desk. The thing is, whenever I think of homework, my mind starts to wander. This time it reflected off the pile of homework, bounced off the fat textbook, smugly staring at me with its glossy, square root-ey eyes, and fluttered through the ever moving Post – its in my hands. It sank right through the poster I made for the history project last year, which was hanging over there on the opposite side of the dimly lit room, and then my tired stare choo – chooed off into space.
Then my mind does something it never did before.
All the knowledge I had accumulated over the years started to form a linear pattern, one that was dotted with light blue sparkles, each one representing a point in time, each one a piece of history.
I close my eyes and embrace the graph my mind plotted out.