Story of The Traveling Mind
First point.
I see the sticky notes, fluttering back and forth, reminding me of a silent cartoon animation of a mad teacher trying to fix a photocopier, which suddenly starts spitting out papers, one after the other, forming a fan of these papers, which land neatly on the teacher’s hands. The teacher then rushes to class.
Second point.
I see a history class, the teacher click – clacking down the hall as the roaring classroom behind the door hears and becomes deadly quiet. The teacher comes into the classroom, and hands out the notes for the PowerPoint, telling the students to fill out the blanks in the notes as she logs on to the computer. The PowerPoint comes on, and the un – studious students of the last class of the day begin writing, without listening to the wonderful, chilling, and beautiful tale the teacher tells to accompany the slide show. The saga today is of the American Revolution and the events leading up to it.