

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.â€? He said, knelt over his bunk, hands clutching a red rosary. He had requested to be alone, and was obliged due to the circumstances. His number was up.
He was at home, playing with his four year old daughter. His wife laughed from the kitchen, where she was dutifully making dinner.
“Faster Daddy, Faster!â€? She cried, as he spun her around in the air. True joy surrounded him. It was perfect. Then the phone rang.
He sat in his cell as they shaved his head. It was to happen tonight. A pale skinned guard was taking his request for his last meal.
“Do I scare you son?â€? He asked, his near black eyes unwavering.
“N-no. I’m not afraid.â€? The young man replied, an obvious lie.
“I have a daughter about your age. Most beautiful thing in the world. She hasn’t been to visit me yet. She will though, she’ll be here.â€? He told himself that often.

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