

There was actually a lot of things that I’d never done before that day. I’d never been kidnapped..

I’d never been knocked out. I’d never been tied to a tree.

I’d never murdered someone.

Now, the dead guard lay at my feet, his throat slashed by the knife that I’d used. It still rested in my shaky hand, and I dropped it to the ground.

Grant had tossed it to me.. to kill the guard. He thought it would’ve been natural to me, and for some reason, it was. I hadn’t hesitated, I’d just raised it to his throat, and…

I shuddered at the thought. The chaos was still going on around me, but it was as if this small scene, me and this dead body, were in a bubble, unaffected by everything else happening around us.

Grant and the woman were killing enemies every chance they got. It was as if killing people didn’t matter at all to them.

For me, it was just this one guard, one who’d been raising his gun at them, planning to shoot.

I’d killed a murderer, but I felt like I had killed someone innocent.

A stranger.

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