They led me to a car; I could hear it running once I stepped outside. Other people were watching from the streets.
It’s not that I heard them. I felt them there, watching me, almost like how other people say they can feel people watching them when they’re not even facing the person.
There were a million ways for me to get away from here, but I knew they would find me, and I also knew from experience that it was hard to get around without sight.
It’d be even harder without hands.
I could only know where I was if I knew where things were, if I’d been there before. The car would be completely unfamiliar; the moment I walked inside, all hope would be lost…
But I couldn’t run now, no matter how scared I was. I just couldn’t.
One of the people with the doctor walked ahead and opened a door to the car. I walked faster towards it. I hated being watched by anyone.
The sooner this was over, the better. I got into the car, my hands still glued together behind my back. It was uncomfortable.