

The helicopters were coming our way, I heard them coming nearer.

“Come on, over here,” the woman screamed, sliding down the face of the cliff.

I followed, and without thinking, jumped down as well.

Landing with a loud thump onto a dusty road leading into even more woods, I followed the woman, who wasn’t taking the path.

“Where are you going?” I asked once I caught up with her.

“There’s a river in this direction. There’s dogs. Think about it.”

The dogs obviously did catch a scent, and it was true. The only way to lose them would be by either crossing the river, or just swimming downstream.

How did she know this landscape? How had she known there was a river there?

I didn’t ask her; soon I heard the soft splashing sounds of the water, and jumped…

I looked behind me, all around me. The water was only five, six feet right here. We could easily hide, if the helicopters came near. It would be easier now. We could all get out of here-


Where was Audrey?!

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