He was leading me in a different direction, I had no idea where.
The woman was there too, running next to us.
It was all in a daze.
It was as if I couldn’t focus, couldn’t seem to actually pay attention to my surroundings. I saw things, but couldn’t react. I tripped over a log Grant and the woman had easily jumped over. I was scratched by thornbushes they’d dodged.
I saw the dogs, but didn’t say anything.
They were running alongside us, trying to attack. I wanted to say something, was urging to scream out with all my will, but for some reason, nothing came out.
This really was like a movie, just like me watching another version of everything around me, while the real me was in a parallel episode, just watching the other one.
It was a little weird. The ‘me’ in both scenes was screaming at the other ‘me’ to say something, to warn them.
We ran out into the road after Grant noticed them too. In plain sight.
We weren’t hidden anymore.