
assassination [Tag Cloud Challenge]

Finally he arrived in the alley. Alone at last. He breathed in the moldy cheese and cigarette butt air and anger welled up inside him like black blood. He shook his blond hair – to clear his head – and it glistened in the slight drizzle as if a thousand angels were dancing on it.

These were no happy angels however, these were the barbie dolls of death that frolicked at the thought of another hapless soul being sent to eternity.

Stealthily, with catlike steps the assassin moved forward. The darkness enveloped him and he thought that he would have had an even better vantage point had he been able to hang upside down like a bat in a cave.

He steadied his rifle against the damp wall and pressed his eye against the sight. The cross hairs centered on the head of the new president. The image was sharp. The cornea transplant had been a success. He grimaced and slowly squeezed the trigger.


His skull exploded, spraying the wall behind him with blood and brains.

The secret service sniper had been quicker..

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