
cause I love you.

“You are BY FAR the most impossible person I have ever met!”
he screamed, and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Oh, so sorry I’m not perfect like you!”
I said, painfully sarcastic.
“So am I.” he sneered.
“I can’t take this!” I screeched. “All we do is fight!”
“Well maybe we wouldn’t is you put forth some effort!” he muttered.
Ide never wanted to hit someone as much as I wanted to hit him right now.
I stormed over and started to slap him. He caught my hand, so I picked up the other one. He caught it too.
I was so furious, and so was he.
I glared at him furiously, and he did the same.
I tried to think of something to say to him, anything.
“I’m sorry.” he said, sincerely. Before I could respond he kissed me, and every trace of anger I felt was gone.
“I love you.” I whispered.
he smiled.
I hated fighting.
we could get through anything, because we still loved each other.

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