

“For saving our father,” said Gizelle as her blank facade broke down and she crumpled down onto the bed weeping onto the sheets. “Oh my…. um, there, there,” said Kamaria as she started to stroke Gizelle’s hair not knowing what else to do. “You don’t understand, what…. what… we’ve been through to find a cure for him…” blubbered Gizelle through sobs, ”...Aedin even… Aedin…”

Quiet Gizelle!” interrupted Aedin as he came through the door and rushed to her side. They talked in a voice so low, Kamaria couldn’t even pick up on it except for whisps of noise that escaped every now and then. But whatever they talked about, Gizelle calmed down and left the room still crying.

The atmosphere was still tense in the room as Aedin sat on the edge of the bed looking towards the door after Gizelle. “No, I won’t tell you what she was going to say,” said Aedin answering Kamaria’s unsaid question,”and yes, we are siblings. She is my older sister.”

The room was quiet again as the stars flickered in the dark.

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