
Silent Conversation

What did the elder want? Kamaria finally dared to think. Just wanted to discuss the effect your blood is having so far. You really saved us and I really appreciate it. We all really appreciate it.
It’s no problem, I mean I’m glad I could help. Especially since your dad was one of the infected. at this Aedin couldn’t help but smile.

Aedin and Kamaria continued to stare at the stars not daring to look at each other. Kamaria started to think of everything that had happened the past three days. How she found out she was a halfling and the girl who tried to blow her up… oh my god, what happened to the girl?!

You don’t need to worry about her for now thought Aedin But you need your rest-
Like I haven’t rested enough these past two days cut in Kamaria. You know what I mean smirked Aedin who then got serious and turned Kamaria’s head so they were looking eye to eye. You will have a lot more questions in the days to come, but now you need to rest. Trust me. With that Aedin left the room.

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