
gay marriage (controversial challenge)

“Marriage should be strictly between a man and a woman. This was meant by God.”

I turned off the TV. Another annoying show, another controversial topic. Why can’t they just let it be? Listen to the Beatles for once, seriously.

I’m not gay, I’m not lesbian, I’m not bisexual. Do I have anything against gays? I have certain things against certain gay people, but not against the general group of “gays.”

Gay marriage… what difference does it make? I mean, people who are homophobic must just freak out because of it. Is there such a thing as being afraid of straight people, because if there is, then maybe regular marriage shouldn’t be allowed either. If we got to that point, then why should anyone even be allowed to date? It’s all going to end up icky for someone.

We’re taught to be accepting, ever since elementary school, and this topic is so easily answered, yet one of the most controversial topics in our country.

I mean, what’s the worst thing that could happen if gay marriage were allowed?

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