Excellent Nomination sure to be seconded and thrird.. etc.. 1st and foremost on everyones list.. his stories are intelligent and his comments are helpful/witty and w/o his input Ficlets would not be as pleasureable. DR. T you’re then man Unequaled, much heralded.. don’t get too big a head .. lol JK.. LoA
The Good Doctor (I just came up with that – sorry, THX ) is a great writer, a great reader, and a great ficleteer. He’s the most active and constructive; I barely have any recent ficlets without comments just because there’s always one from him. Happy ficleteering.
I will definitely third this one, er.. fourth it… whichever. ;D I don’t think there is anyone here who prods us greater into commenting more, writing better, and looking within ourselves for that “something else.”
I agree with this wholeheartedly. THX has and always will be the most prominent and loved author on this site. His constructive criticism has never failed to make my day or improve my writing, and he’s been with us since the start. Thanks for everything.
wytherwings asks, “Has he seen this yet?” Of course I hadn’t! If I had, I would have left a comment, silly. All kidding aside, wow, whoa, and ohmigosh. From the ficlet itself to the comments that followed, I’m touched. Totally made my week! Thanks for the nomination and all the comments. It’s been an honor and a privilege…and all that stuff.
Saint Chuck
ALRO613 ♪ LoA ♫
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥