I realize that doctor assisted suicide is illegal in the US as well as most other countries, though this story represents my point of view that I support the decision of the people who are in the situation of having to choose between a miserable life in a sick body or their own death, knowing that both choices have unbearable consequences for both them and their loved ones.
It’s well written, but I don’t know if it reaches an “ending” exactly. If it wasn’t for the title, it wouldn’t be clear that this was about assisted suicide at all.
What’s the nature of the appointment? Radical treatment with a high risk? It’s just not clear.
I think even without the title I could have figured it out; but I am a “glass half- empty” person. I agree with you Saint Chuck (and this goes back to the whole freedom of choice “thing”- miserable consequences and all.) So many things are deemed “illegal” because someone “somewhere” believes that the majority of us don’t have enough sense to live (or die in this case) day to day without a strict set of guidelines. . (And yep, I think I am having “one of those days.” ;D ) . Great story.
OOOOHHHHH !!!!!!! Great, but sad. However, if I was in a condition as the man in this story, I’d at least try experimental medicine or risky surgery. I value life very deeply, and I believe doctor assisted suicide is wrong. It’s always important to put in some kind of last ditch effort to stay alive. God will call you when it is your time.
I remember a Far Side strip where Death was at the movies, and he saw a man and a woman a few rows down. The caption says, “As his eyes grew accustomed to the dark, Death suddenly noticed his girlfriend sitting with Dr. Jack Kevorkian.” There’s a thought bubble above Death’s head: “Oh, my God! It’s Susan and what’s-his-name!” . Anyway, nice ficlet. You could always use some Far Side, though. =)
Saint Chuck
Raymond Finn
Mistress Elsha Hawk