f haha
what was that? kinda funny though
LOL ! No, seriously, I laughed out loud. Sort of. It was more of a chuckle, really. The story was still really funny, though. And perfect.
Thank you!
its crap!
this i sreally funny and non-crappy, some people are just mad b/c u can read their Ims=0 OMG I CAN NOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT !!! AH! oh weeeell… too late now.lol=))
Lol! Lenney u rule : )
thank u, so do u pokla dot = ))
This is funny, and an interesting writing style, not one I’ve seen on here.
Phantomess K
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
polka dot
Sailor Emo
polka dot
Sailor Emo
Storykeeper of Fae
polka dot