

I’m just as dissapointed as everyone that Ficlets is leaving. Why? But anyways, I don’t see the big reason to write a billion ficlets about ficlets leaving.

For me, whenever everyone around me is sad, i am usually happy. In a good way that is. But what i came to say is that i think that no one should spend time whining about ficlets leaving. Yeah, it sucks that it is, but don’t get your spirits down about it.

I urge all of you to use the rest of your time on ficlets writing the stories you would normally write. Yeah, just keep on writing as if Ficlets will still continue.

Now i know i’m probably gonna get a lot of crap from people who are die-hard Ficleters, but i couldn’t care less. Ficlets is awesome, i agree, but just because it’s about to close doesn’t mean, “Oh no. My writing life is over. Boo hoo!”

So please, all of you guys, keep writing. I’ll continue writing my normal stories, and i can’t wait to see some of your own.

-Xninja *

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