
My Long Farewell Part Seven

.:Band Baby:.: You are truly amazing. I don’t know how I would go through what I have without you. Our friendship has grown so much. We are writing a novel together and I am amazed at how much we agree on. I thank you and I hope we stay close.

Freedom: We started our first series together. It became a long list of series together. It has been a great journey with you, from series to series. You write so beautifully and I hope we will someday get to write together again. I’ll never forget each series we wrote.

Howhardlifeis: My first contact and fellow hopeless romantic. We came to Ficlets around the exact same time and I enjoyed reading your stories. Keep in touch.

Someday_93: I know you will probably never read this, but I need to thank you. I was so amazed by your stories and just your raw passion. My passion could never match yours. You welcomed me to Ficlets and I thank you.

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