My Long Farewell Part Eight
Mistress Elsha Hawk: You are my editor in writing, and in life. You have given me so much advice, even when I didn’t always follow it. I always gave it my all, and you accepted me for that. I hope we never loose touch because I you are close to a second mother to me.
Bartimaeus: You were the first person to enter my challenge. I never really knew you then and now I am grateful I do. What you write is really good and you put so much emotion in it. Plus, you and Band Baby are really cute together.
Never Explain: Right when I read your first series, Brandi and Thomas, I was hooked on reading our series. You have such a huge amount I think most of what I read was from you. I hope I get to read your stories again.
Wytherwings: Your poetry is an absolute treat. Never stop writing them. I am going to miss reading them and I hope I will get to read them again someday.