Ficlets Farewell Party Challenge (pt 1)
All of us ficleteers gathered on the clearing,celebrating our last days on this site.Later,we would go back to the cottage for food and drink,as well as reminiscing on old times.Remember when Kevin first created ficlets?Or when SaveTheUnicorns posted the first chapter of”Residing Dreams”,a story that expanded to over 200 chapters long?One could never forget BernerO’s series which had gained an extreme amount of popularity.”Local Gay Boy”it was titled,and was written in such a clean cut,open minded way.Recall when Blusparrow became one of the most active authors on the site?And Mistress Elsha’s timeless and insightful wisdom?These weren’t even a fraction of the memories shared on ficlets.In the clearing,I sighed as I looked upon the faces of my fellow writers.I saw the great trepidation etched on their faces.I stood beside BernerO and Elsha,two ficleteers who had impacted my life the most.As my eyes drifted around the circle,I wished that I had discovered ficlets sooner.Even so, it still would’ve come to this.