Ficlets 2.0 progress continues...
Ficlets 2.0 development continues (slowly, but surely) – it’s almost to a point that any of you who are interested could take a look at it. If I can find the time, it could be “ready enough” by this weekend. The design is very similar to Ficlets (unlike some of the other ficlets successors I’ve seen).
Regarding the quandaries of the prequel, I’ve decided to go with:
1) Assign allowed-contributors on a ficlet-by-ficlet basis. Mainly because it would otherwise be more work than most authors would want to go through to manage.
2) Apply the “mature” designation at the ficlet level.
3) Allow guests to read all ficlets. If they’re sensitive to mature content, the reason a ficlet is “mature” should be clearly identified (up to the author).
4a) I’m not planning to implement ratings.
4b) I’m not planning to display a ficlet’s inspiration.
5) I do plan to allow image linking within a ficlet. I won’t provide hosting for images, but I will allow linking to externally hosted images, at least initially.