I’m already reconsidering #1. I was considering the “ficlet’s challenges” that come up from time to time. These would become difficult, if not impossible, with a ficlet-level-allowed-contributor setup. So I’m going to assign allowed-ficlet-contributors at the series level, not the ficlet level.
Okay, it seems to be functional enough now. You can’t do much of anything yet, but give it another week and i should be able to allow people to start writing.
You can check it out here: http://barthost.net/ficlets20/
If there’s enough interest, I’ll register a new domain name for the site.
Oh, and I also decided to kill the ability to create branching sequels/prequels. It’s a straight linear progression of ficlets within a series now. If you think this is a bad idea, let me know why.
I think your idea for a ficlets 2.0 is awesome, but let me tell you why you should allow others to create branching sequels/prequels: challenges. They are a beloved part of this site and I know they will be missed by many (including me!) if the new ficlets doesn’t incorporate them in some way.
I haven’t participated in any challenges, so I’m not real familiar with how they work.
Does each author’s submission branch off from the main challenge ficlet? How many ficlets does each individual author usually post in response to the challenge? Do other authors sequel from a challengers’ sequels or only from the main ficlet that started the challenge?
Help me understand challenges a little better and I’ll see if I can come up with a way to do it that mimics what you need.
Appreciate your work on this, but just so you know, the guy who created the original ficlets, Kevin Lawver, is working with a team to create a full-fledged sequel to ficlets, set to launch in mid-January. And for what it’s worth, I’m totally with Ana on the branching of sequels. It allows sequels and invites outside sequels as the original author doesn’t have to follow that stem.
Wyatt Aapr
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥
THX 0477