
Painful Discussion

She reaches her hand out to stroke him but he pulls away. She flinches and pulls back. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, Tom, but I needed it, and you didn’t stop me.”

It is Tom’s turn to be silent.

“I’m tired of being controlled and you were so helpless and very fit and I just needed to love you. Can’t you understand that?”

Tom hesitates.

“I need,” she stops and turns away. “I’m sorry. I’m pleading and I hate that. I’m tired of defending myself. I did what I did and I don’t care what happens.”

Tom speaks. “I understand that feeling. I need to love someone too. He’s just not you.”

Understanding dawns in her eyes and she gasps. “Oh,” she says.

“And you don’t really need to love me. That’s an illusion. You’re snapping back after a sexual withdrawal. I did the same thing. I know. It hurts, but I’m not your man.”

Suddenly her eyes hardened. “I don’t need a lecture on love from a gay baby. You probably don’t even know what love is.” She turns and walks stiffly out of the room.

Tom can hear her quiet sobs.

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