In Mantra We Trust
Ever sense the surprise broadcast on August 1st, Americans across the country, driven by fear, curiousity, or both, tuned into channel 527 to catch Van Mantra’s commercial. Parents would sneak in the channel at work, and children would ask if they missed it at school, but it never aired, until august 9th, when a ocean documentary went to a break. The familiar face made many awaiting watchers bolt upright on their couches and chairs.
“Good afternoon, if you are watching this, you probably have know that I am Van Mantra, and if you know that, you know we as a species are in danger. Now before I tell you how I know the details of the attack, I want you to decide where you lay in this, because there are 2 sides of our first battle. My side, and the Mezin, who know my ways to be true, and will stop at nothing to shut me down. If you plan to follow me, I want you to say aloud right now in your homes, I trust you Van.”
In homes everywhere, those 4 words were uttered from frightend lips.”