
Mantra's Prophet

After commiting to trust Van Mantra on Aug. 9, people across America began to tape and tivo channel 527 just for the commercials. When they returned home, they would quickly scan through the recordings for his face.

On Aug. 13th, they found him on T.V.

“Van Mantra here, and I’m glad to see so many people taking action to catch this commercial. Last time we met, you hopfully took an oath to trust me, because what i am about to say might be unbelivable to some. A series of notes have come to my possesion from a lithuanian prophet that goes by the name “Ethan Haas,”. His writings have described both world wars, Thailand’s tsunami, hurricane Katrina, and recent terroist attacks including 9/11. They even describe the finding of these notes. The secound half describes how we are killing the humans who will help us in the real battle of our planet, which has been set for Oct. 28, this year. I dont have much time left so for now, stay tuned, and ignore the Mezin!”

The last statment met confusion.

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