
Enter the Liberace....!

“Well we’ll get around to the zoo later. Let me finish this speech. Four score and…”

“Hello darlings!”

“Whoa, Abe! Keep that thing away from me.”

“Mike it’s just a guy, I think. A guy with, curly hair and lots of, well, huge enormous rings.”

“You like my rings?” Liberace smiled. “You ought to, you bought them.”

Abe and Mike cower before Liberace’s laughter.

“Now, dears, where’s my piano? Can’t have the Gettysburg address without some decent music. What shall we have now…”

“Good God man, you can’t have music at a serious time like this.”

“Squish him Abe, like you did Yoda.”

Abe tenderly strokes his broken nose. “Uhm, no, but I will call forth the Pledge of allegience”

“Alright! Pull out the heavy guns Abe.”

“Here we have it,” three hefty men pull a gold and diamond studded piano over the local mud pool. “How about my latest rendition of Twelth Street Rag. Bound to bring tears to your eyes, if not something else.”

“Man, that stings like a butterfly and floats like a bee.”

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