How is it that a month ago, I was wishing beyond belief that one person would comment on this, and now it’s on the Most Popular list when I DON ’T WANT IT TO BE ?? It’s a month old. It’s not good. Do something worth your time, please.
It’s weird how that works: I had a completely lame joke-piece that took me five minutes to write end up being a freakin’ Featured Ficlet for a ridiculous amount of time. (Actually, since the piece in question should’ve had the same half-life as ununhexium, “ridiculous” could be defined as anything longer than 18 milliseconds of fame.) It is, as Mr. MacLeod said, a kind of magic. Apparently. But you don’t do yourself justice. This is a solid piece of work.
Alexa ♥
Howie Amourscow