
The Academy - The Forest of Solitude Part 2

“The sky here at the academy is beautiful thought”, Rose silently to herself. It was like that sky was a blanket of black velvet with precious jewels sprinkled over it.
It felt so strange to her that these stars that were twinkling so beautifully, could have died thousands of years ago and the light that beamed at her was just a scar of what once was.
Her first day at her new school wasn’t bad. There was little homework to do, and she finished it quickly. Now she could just relax in the tall grass and stare up at the sky.
She felt tempted to close her eyes and rest, but she knew she couldn’t do that. There was a small brook not too far away that churned fresh, clear water. And lavender, and laurels grew around the water source.
This felt like her own little sanctuary. Her own safe place where nobody would bother her. For now, she just stared up at the sky and enjoyed the cool breeze that would occasionally blow into her face.
“All students out of the school report to your dorms.”

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