

Andrew clicked open the email.

Sounds like you’ve got quite a collection. I’m trying to think of a gift for my boyfriend, and think this would be great.

“I wish my girlfriend would think of gifts like this for me.” Damien interjected.

“I wish your girlfriend existed.” Andrew said, as he continued reading.

Can we meet to discuss the product and price?


“Tell her to come over!” Damien said.

“What? over here? You want me to invite a perfect stranger to my house? What are you, insane?”

“She sounds pretty harmless to me.”

“But what if she’s lying- what if some big, huge burly guy is gonna meet us here, and steal all of our shit?”

“Andy, you’re so paranoid.”

“I’m not paranoid, I’m catious…”

That sounds great… let’s meet at Hal’s Snack Shop on 3rd street. ” Andy wrote back.

“You’re gonna bring your entire collection out in public?”

“Yeah. Now help me pack it up.” Andy said as he opened a box and started shoving magazines into it.

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