Do a little funny business in Mexico, amigo?
BANG BANG BANG ! incessant shots were being fired all around me. He had kicked me off the bed and shot right over my head at the assassins behind me. I was still in shock when i heard, “MOVE!” yelled at me. He grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet dragging me across the apartment to the window. Out on the balcony, i could hear men inside. They were drawing close and we had to get out of here soon. There was a building across the way, an easy jump could make it. We started across and bullets went whizzing across my head. People were down below in the alley. With a forceful wrench he pulled my half naked body close into his and gave me a fiery kiss. Then, one word, “JUMP!” and i did. I could hear shots being fired around me. I tucked my head down in fear. Then, everything was silent. I looked up and saw him. Tall, and dark his sexy form was there in the sun before me and i knew that i was going to be with him until i died. And judging by the look of things, i wasn’t going to have to wait very long.