
The New World

The population of the new world was comprised mainly of humans, but with a mixture of orcs, elves, and dwarves as well.
Through time, and through the growth and advancement of the new world’s civilization, the races became mixed to the point that almost all looked alike, with minor differences such as height, girth, and bone structure. Along with large physical differences, much of the magic which was once common among these folk had disappeared. Magic, even in elves, was becoming uncommon. It was even rarer for orcs and humans, and it was almost nonexistent for dwarves.

Many commemoration ceremonies were held, and many statues erected in memory of the brave Four who gave their lives for this world. There are two celebrations in the New World Calendar: the Day of Heroes, and the Day of Fire. They happen on July 31st and August 1st respectively. The Day of Heroes is celebrated by everyone giving gifts to their loved ones. The Day of Fire is remembered with a massive bonfire in the town square.

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