The Lower Level Dungeons
Fauxtes glanced up as the door to the cell next to him creaked open. He heard sounds of struggling, a Guard yelping out in pain, someone being thrown onto the damp stone. As the Guards left, one of them said, “Does this look infected to you?”
The door at the top of the stairs slammed shut. Now it was only him and the other prisoner. Suddenly a head poked out of the cell door next to him. “What’re ya in for?” Dadaelee grunted at Fauxtes. He flashed one of his rare smiles, this one of surprise.
“Dadaelee!” Then his smile quickly vanished. “They got you too, then.”
“Yep. Don’t know what we’re here for. Know where Dali is?”
“I’m hoping he got away, but last I saw him, he was with the Sovereign Marshall.”
“Oi, the Big Baddie himself? Dali sure can pick ‘em. Then again, he’s not down here, so we can only hope he escaped.”
Suddenly, a faint tremble jumbled the cobbles. Fauxtes looked around. “Did you feel that?”