Zoo Zoo Zoo
The phone rang at about 11:30, waking me up from a deep sleep. I wasn’t too bothered by it. I had my alarm set for noon anyways. But, I must say, it would have been much easier to wake up to the orgasmic sounds of sublime, than to my friend calling me.
“DUDE!” He yelled, “You wanna go to the zoo?!”
“Duuude. I do. What time?” I sat up and felt a little light headed.
“I’m leaving in an hour. Can you be ready?”
“EAT IT WHORE !” I yelled. I hung up the phone.
I rolled out of bed, went downstairs and got in the shower. I hadn’t been to the zoo in forever. And, I was really looking forward to it.
After I finished getting ready, I waited outside in a lawn chair that had seen much better days. I was still a little tired and hoped to hell it wouldn’t fall apart on me while I waited. It didn’t. My friend’s car pulled in. I hopped in the passenger seat and didn’t say a word. In fact, the ride was quite silent until we got to the zoo.
“LIONS FIRST !” I yelled and ran in the zoo.