
part Two Two Two

“In your fuckin’ wet dreams cum-pisser!” my friend yelled at me.
“Lions suck!”
“YOU suck!”
“Your MOM sucks!”
”...YOU suck!”
Doing a triple-backflip i pulled out my lightsaber which i always carry with me to public attractions. “What?!” My friend cried “thats bullshit! why do YOU get a light-” But, he did not have time to finish asking me why i got a lightbulb. For, my green saber of light had just pierced the region directly between his small intestine and stomach and now blood and bile were seeping through his Duodenum. A small crowd of people had gathered around his body, but a few ninja stars took care of that. “Now, if youll excuse me…” i said, kicking his life-less body, “I’m going to go feed from the lion’s tit.”

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