My Mind, Be Glad You Don't Have To Have It.
Hi, I don’t know why I’m doing this, I guess I’m just a masochist, anyway, I want to tell you why I do this ficlet stuff. Right now I do it to unwind after work, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t sleep at all, and when you come home from work around midnight, you need all the sleep you can get. At least I won’t be working at this job for much longer, I’m heading off to college on August 25th and am quitting my job a week ahead of time so I have time to do the really important stuff, like clean my room out and pack. Cleaning my room out is really important, because if I don’t, my Dad will go in there with a shovel and a garbage bag and not stop until it is empty. I’ve just realized that I’ve changed the subject of this ficlet at least six times in under 750 characters, I guess that is how my stream of conciousness flows. One thing about this challenge that I’m having a hard time doing is not deleting things. The things I delete are things like spelling errors and grammatical errors.
Kowledge is power!