
Eye to Eye with the Serpent

“I need a drink.” Bloody Jenny said as she uncorked a jug of rum with her teeth. She swilled down several long gulps and then lit the powder keg. She stared into Rupert’s eyes and then stuck her tongue out at him, walking over to the edge of the ship to toss the heavy powder keg overboard.

The powder keg exploded, piercing the nearest sea serpent with shards of iron shot. It reeled back in pain, giving off a deafening screech before leaning down to face her, long white teeth and putrid saliva dripping inches from her face. She spat and jumped atop its enormous head as it shook vigorously to knock her loose. She unsheathed her cutlass sword and hacked at the serpentine beast. It bit down on her blade, huge fangs bared as the sacs of its poison glands dripped over its enormous teeth. Freeing her sword from its grasp and scaling high above its slimy eyes, she plunged the blade down into its left eye socket. The creature arched back, teeth open wide as it shook Jenny loose, tossing her into the rising tide.

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