

He chuckled to himself as he pulled the treasure, one by one, piece by piece, from the safe. Wedding rings, necklaces, gold coins, even class rings. It hadn’t been easy, getting into the safe. It had been double locked, needing a digital keypad code and then a fingerprint scanner. The thief had held up a latex copy for the latter.

Suddenly, the ceiling lights flicked on.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Mr.Donalds asked, staring at the dark man at his safe.

“Oh, erm…I happen to be from the Department of Repossession, your payments have been down recently, I’m going to have to appropriate these items.”

“Oh. That’s dreadful! Why didn’t anyone tell me about this instead of being in my office without my knowledge? For all I know, you could be a common thief!”

“Oh, I assure you, I am not that,” the common thief said.

“Well, this is most unusual, and I am very surprised your department didn’t notify me. I’ll call them, let’s see…”

The thief sighed and knocked Mr.Donalds out.

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