

It had finally come, the last day of school. As he thought back to the beggining of the year, he realized, he was a failure. Not one of the goals he had set out for himself had been accomplished. He had not achieved his first kiss, had not obtained his first girlfriend, had not done all of his homework, gotten a job, or joined a club. The one thing he had done was to remain invisible. Not one person would remember him after this terrifying year. He was a loner. Who would remember the guy that they asked for the answer to a question once and he could only respond, “uuhhhm, uhhhm, i don’t know” when in all reality he was sure he knew the answer. He would be a senior soon and nothing had changed. He was the same pathetic freshman that had walked onto the campus for the first time, and he would walk off the campus, next year, for the last time, exactly that person.

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