
Sand Women X- Descendent of Tyme

I squatted silently on the ground making shapes and squiggles in the sand.The Sand Women were active behind me, directed by the first Sand Woman to bow to me, Zulu.
Kynae approached, her shadow falling over the marks in the sand. “On behalf of my people I present an invitation.” she paused, but i continued to write in the sand. “We would like you to participate in the Ritual.
I stopped and glanced up, slowly pulling myself to my full height, “I thank you and your people for the honor.”
You still wonder of today.
I nodded ruefully, “I don’t particularly understand it.”
she smiled,”You are born of Nynu and a Wizard. He lives with us now, rejected by his people for consorting with us.“She paused thinking,”Your mother, Nynu, is a very powerful Sand Women.And your father, he is a descendent of Tyme.When you combine our Magic with Wizard Magic,strange things occur.The son or daughter occasionally has enheightened Magic. You are the second to recieve this Magic.
“The first?” I asked.

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