
Dr. De Mort

Burtininkas followed her with his eyes. Deathly beautiful. He shocked himself with that realization.

“Ladies and genltemen! The magnificent Dr. De Mort!” Wednesday introduced Burtininkas. He arrived at the corner of the stage wearing a top hat, a coat, and tails.
“Ah, you are too kind, dearest. What am I wearing on my head Ms. Thomas?”
“A hat, doctor.” Wednesday puzzled with a grin.
“And what do you expect me to do with it?” He asked calmly. Wednesday decided to play the straight man- or rather, woman. “I, dear doctor, expect you to pull a rabbit from it.” Her grin was ominously wicked.
“Oh, how trite!” Burtininkas exclaimed, and pulled a safe from it. “If you would so kind,” he opened the safe, and Wednesday moved towards it. “What’s this about?” She made sure that only they could hear her through her clenched teeth.
“I am Dr. De Mort, remember that!” He said loudly to the crowd. Burtininkas shoved her through the door, and spun it twice before opening it again. Wednesday was gone.

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