The Deserted Desert, Unfathomable Fathoms, and Cliffs of Endless Infinity
Hugo squinted his eyes to make sure what he was seeing was real. On the horizon to his left lay the Deserted Desert, his right, the Unfathomable Fathoms (the ocean), and right in front of him, the base of the Cliffs of Endless Infinity. They seemed to indeed be endless, stretching off into the sky for eternity.
“So, this is it, then?” Gilly bleated nervously. “I don’t think a unicorn would be able to scale that. Nor a man, for that matter.”
“No. But the Deserted Desert is already a long way from here, and longer still after you’re in it. As of yet, there’s no way of passing the Unfathomable Fathoms, and the Cliffs are the most direct route to Hiwataki.”
“And the most likely to get you killed,” Gilly added irritably. “Like I said, if you went, which you couldn’t, you would have to leave me here, which I wouldn’t do.”
Hugo sighed. “I suppose. But what else are we going to do?”
As if on cue, a large wooden vessel appeared on the horizon of the ocean.