

Brass Eagle rolled to one side as the attacker’s fist slammed into the ground. He still couldn’t believe it. Brass Eagle was fighting…Brass Eagle. An exact clone of himself? His thoughts were cut short as its foot nearly collapsed his trachea.

Brass Eagle hopped up and kicked his double in the gut, hard. It only seemed a little winded, but that was enough for him. He gave it a punch in the side of the head, putting all his body weight into it. The doppelganger reeled backwards, but rebounded with a double-footed kick. Brass Eagle was again knocked to the ground.

The double seemed really strong offensively, but it couldn’t defend itself very well. Brass Eagle tested it with a quick jab to the side, then kicked it in the chest while it was still focused on the jab. It was slow.

Brass Eagle smiled and dealt it a flurry of punches and kicks, even a headbutt or two. Finally, it fell to the ground, quite possibly dead. Brass Eagle wiped the spit from his mouth and looked at the tower ahead.

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